Search Results
The Story of the Exodus in the Bible & Qur'an (Revealed Comparative Theology) | Dr. Ali Ataie
The miraculous Qur’an & the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt with Dr Louay Fatoohi
The Prophet Muhammad in the Bible with Dr. Ali Ataie
Is the Qur'an preserved? With Professor Ali Ataie
Defending the Quran: The Quran and the Apocryphal gospels - with Dr Ali Ataie
The Prophet Muhammad in Isaiah 42 with Dr. Ali Ataie
Marvels of the Qur'an | Dr. Ali Ataie
A Subtle Historical Miracle in the Qur’an’s Account of the Exodus with Dr Louay Fatoohi
Professor Ali Ataie discusses the Crucifixion and the Qur'an, and Tahrif
Jesus was not crucified: the evidence with Dr. Ali Ataie
Dr. Ali Ataie discusses Isaiah 53, and James and Paul
Dr. Ali Ataie: Is God Allah?